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Recipe Submission Form:

(hereunder you can read how to fill it)

FAQ.  How to fill the FORM
Recipe Favorite Elements or Highlights 


Describe every detail about your recipe! 

You can answer:

  • Reason of your recipe theme          

  • How, why, and what were your motivations?

  • Share your tips

  • Enlist all people credits you would like to thanks and used (such as companies & people), if possible provide their web URL.

  • Country, State and City


Recipe Photo Link

Please upload your Recipe photos to an online album

  • Blog,

  • Dropbox,

  • Flickr,

  • Facebook ,

  • Photo bucket, etc,…

  • And provide the link/URL address to the online album. That way we can get your photos.


Provide good quality photos: Recipes with high quality photos show the details and are more likely to be features.

Are you a Kids Party Vendor looking to grow your business?

By filling and sending this PARTY FORM, you are giving to YOUR THEME PARTY permission to publish your photos & party details *


Our Parners


“Thanks so much for sharing!

I just returned a bunch of items I got at Party City last week. Instead of spending $15 on Valentine's I'll be spending a couple bucks!”

Melissa Gullo Patrizi

Ontario, Canada.

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